Left side of the image is a collage of a newspaper clipping and concert ticket, laid over a portrait. The right side of the image is a letter typewritten letter and signed in the bottom right corner.


Nelson George




New York, NY


Nelson George
The Nelson George Mixtape, Vol. 2

On the fiftieth anniversary of hip hop, Pacific is releasing The Nelson George Mixtape, Volume 2 with longtime collaborator Nelson George. Volume 2 gathers together essential writing by George from 1978 onward as he chronicled the birth of hip hop in New York City.

"In the summer of ‘78 I was twenty years old, a college student, and a wannabe music journalist when I first witnessed DJ Kool Herc play break beats for a crowd of teenagers in the schoolyard of Taft High school in the South Bronx. I’d seen DJ’s rock block parties with disco beats all over the city, but Herc’s mix was different, more obscure, more defiantly funky. By publishing an account in the New York Amsterdam News that July I became one of the first people to report on what we now call hip-hop."

Published by Pacific, Softcover, Saddle stitch, 8½ × 11 inches, 48 pages, Edition of 250

Book cover with black and white half portrait of the author Nelson George. A zig-zag line runs from the top of the page to the bottom just next to his ear. The title of the book is placed in the bottom left corner. The first half of the title is typed in bold black letters and surrounded by a royal blue box. The volume number is in a similar text but surrounded by a bright red box.
Two page spread. Left is a black and white portrait of the author Nelson George. The right is an essay typed in white text on a black background, it fills the page.
Newspaper clipping collaged on top of an image of a boy dancing in a park in New York City. An old school turntable is in the top left corner. Two images are diagonal from each other on the right side. A timeline runs along the bottom with an accompanying essay just above it.
Two page spread. Left side is two weathered newspaper clippings one on top of the other. The right side is the first page from a magazine article. It features a black and white photo of a man rapping. The article title tilts across the bottom of the page, beneath the image.